Curation Team Member - Ministry Description

One of the things The St. Paul Center (TSPC) seeks to do is to lift up what is already in our midst so that it can be found and accessed by all our faith communities, to support the training and licensing of lay leaders, and to help parish clergy infuse their community's life with theology and prayer. 

We are forming three curation teams - with a likelihood of more to come in future - of three to five persons each, to help us direct congregations to helpful resources to consider as they live into our diocesan mission strategy goal to “invite robust Christian formation at all points of life.” Each team will focus on one area:

  • Clergy continuing education

  • Lay formation and licensing

  • Vocational discernment

The resources identified by the curation teams will be listed on our website. The curation teams will review and revise the listings every six months. Each curation team will include at least one lay person and one member of the clergy who are resident and active in a congregation of the Diocese of MA. Team members are asked to make a commitment of one year, renewable for two more years.


  1. Meet with a member of the leadership team of TSPC for orientation to the project. At this meeting, more direction will be given regarding how to focus your research and curate your list.

  2. Meet together as a team to brainstorm, research, and curate a list of resources in your area that you believe would be helpful to congregations in our diocese. Draft a list, with brief annotations (and links or URLs where appropriate) about each resource to help congregational leaders.

  3. We anticipate your team needing to meet several times over the course of a few months to complete this work.


  1. One year, renewable for two more years.

  2. Three to five meetings on Zoom with your committee, probably May thru June, 2023.

  3. One hour of work per week this spring on your own, researching resources and emailing with your team.

  4. One or two Zoom meetings in the fall of 2023 to review and revise your list with your team members.

  5. At the end of the first year, the TSPC leadership team will invite your reflection on your experience and input on what worked well and how to improve this process.

Applicants should have….

  •  a deep commitment to Christian formation

  •  a desire to serve the whole diocese and a supportive awareness of its diversity of congregational sizes demographics, resources, and styles

  • margin enough in their schedule to commit to this project

  • a hope of growing as disciples themselves through this ministry

If interested: please complete the form below with your name, email, phone number, and one paragraph telling us why you’re interested and what skills and charisms you bring to this ministry. (no more than 200 words). Let us know which team you would like to be considered for.

We are creating small teams. If we have more applicants than space on the teams, we will ask you to stay on our short list for service on a curation team next year or to help plan or staff another TSPC project in the year ahead. There is lots to do! We’re grateful for your interest.